Dear Sir/Madam
We are very sorry to inform you that Wild Strawberries' site in Liberty Square, Taipei was forced to close by police tonight at 4 am. We will, however, keep in touch with you via this email account later. thank you.
Media Team
Two police truck and huge amount of policemen came to Liberty Square to force Tibetan friends away. More and more police truck arrived and they brought three trucks of Tibetans away.
Within an hour, all Tibetans were forced away by policemen.
At this moment, more than 200 policemen surrounded approx. 40 students. Student sat quietly on the ground. Two to three journalist were on the way to the square.
Started to "lift" away students by police patrol car (the big trick to transport criminal.)
There will be a press conference held on 9:00 on Liberty Square, 11st Dec. 2008.
11 Dec 2008
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The truck in Beijing came at daytime, the whole world saw. The police in Taipei came at night time to Liberty Square and said "現場學生指出,警方對廣場學生舉牌,但並未表明任何執法依據,便開始清除現場物資。而稍早在進行對圖博人士的驅離時,警方曾向野草莓學生表示,不滿野草莓援助物資予同在自由廣場抗議的圖博人士,在今天驅離前警方威脅: 「如果不是你們(指野草莓) 幫助他們,我們也不會去抬他們(指圖博人士) 」。警方對於野草莓援助弱勢團體的打壓,正顯示了國家暴力害怕人民團結、互相扶持的威權態度。相較於歐美國家對於自由人權的保障以及對於圖博人士的人道援助,馬政府強力搬離圖博民眾、強力驅離野草莓的做法,對於強調會在適當時機邀請達賴來台的馬英九,無異是自打嘴巴,說一套做一套,到底,日久見人心,說要在適當時間歡迎達賴來台的馬英九,為什麼對圖博人以及幫助他們的野草莓,在今天強力驅離?" Brief summary: (hopefully will be translated soon.) If WS does not help Tibetans, policemen would not have came to force them away.
The police and the heartless government must not be allowed to end it this way. Wild Strawberries cannot be so easily crushed!
This is not done. The civil society of any country is regarded as a great force to mobilize the general public against the violation of civil rights and liberty. It is considered as a bulwark against the violation of human rights.
Long live Tibet.
my site
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